Only emotion is capable of turning memory into memoryThe photographic image is at a time when, as a means of artistic expression, it questions itself and fights to remain in the viewers mind, beyond the progressive and systematic discarding of todays urban society. In this age we practically live inside an image.Multisensory level experience, which allows the association of the content -memory- with the container -object- beyond the regular mental exercise, in the order of the emotional to turn it into art, precisely thanks to the nature of the plastic proposal configured by Berni with it, in use of his aesthetic ability, professional and creative commitment. The foregoing, confirming the premise shared by the scientist Rodolfo Llinás to Casa Editorial Semana: “Remembering is linked to the emotional brain. Most of the perceptions of each day are forgotten, but if they are accompanied by emotion, they are remembered. Premise that confirms that only emotion is capable of converting memory into memory, and likewise only man can give this symbolic charge to an object: The object of memory.Lucho Berni dares to look differently, stopping our eyes before what for many are unimportant “stuff”, but whose intact permanence infers its transcendence in the life of one or several individuals. Making his role mutate before the eyes of the viewer thanks to Bernis search and capture and his revaluation of the intimate object evocation of those who lend him these objects to freeze them in an image that, being memory, at the same time questions it; inviting a "new use" of it, just like when we recycle and renew the useful life of what for many is unusable.